The Social Service League is the college’s largest society, a warm and compassionate family that is ever-willing to help those in need. The society was founded in 1912 by W.F Ireland and C.H.C Sharp in an effort to provide a congenial environment for people to collaborate collectively for the welfare of the underprivileged. Every day, we strive to live up to our motto “Service Above Self.”
Working through various projects the society extended itself into 5 verticals: Aarohan, Donation Camps & Parivartan, Evening classes, Public relations & Finance, and Vidyajyoti.
President: Dr. Chinkhanlun Guite
Staff Advisor: Mrs. Alphy Greever
Treasurer: Jennie Jacob
Third Year Council
Aarohan : Jame Thomas Mathew, BA Economics Hons.
Evening Classes : Kajal Gahtyari, BSc. Programme Satyam Raheja, BSc Physics Hons.
Unboxed: Ketki Moghe, BA Programme
Parivartan and Donation Camp : Akshita Kumar, BA Mathematics Hons.
Nancy Nixon, BSc Programme
Public Relations and Outreach, Finance : Steffia Jose, BA Mathematics Hons.
Vidyajyoti: Lucy Chingneihoih, BA History, Hons.
Pragyachakshu: Ujjwal Mishra, BSc Programme
Second Year Council
1. Diya Elizabeth Joseph, BA Economics Hons
2. Diya Susan Thalakkavi, BA Programme
3. Mohd Hasnain, B. Sc (Pro) Comp. Sc
Core Council
1. Hiteshwar Sharma, B. A History Hons.
2. Priyanka Parihar, B. A Chemistry Hons.
Evening Classes
1.Aisha Jabeen, BA Programme
2.Chinghoih Khuptong,BA Programme
3. Elizabeth Jacob, BA History Hons.
1. Saumar Praan Saikia, BA History Hons.
2. Neha Pramod, B. Sc (Prog)
3. Pavithra, BA Sanskrit Hons.
1. Tanuja, B. Sc Mathematics Hons.
2. Pakeeza, B. A Programme
Core council
1. Catherine, B. A Physics Hons.
2. Lovneet, B. A History Hons.
1. Jeslin Mary Thomas, B.Sc. Chemistry Hons.
2. Mohammed Sufyan Khan, B.A Programme
1. Sharon James, B.Sc. Mathematics Hons.
Donation Camps
1. K A Joseph Philip Nerri, B.Sc. Mathematics Hons.
2. Vasanth Benchy Thomas, B.Sc. Programme
1. Reyna Prasad, B. Sc Mathematics Hons.
PR and Finance
1. Agasthya Samuel Wilson, BA Economics Hons.
2. Shannon Jasmine Kujjur, BA Economics Hons.
3.Anora Anna Titus, BA Mathematics hons. (Treasurer)
Core Council
1. Dale Nathan Duke – BA History Hons.
2.Simin Sanil- BA Philosophy Hons.
Executive Council
1. Bubble Sharma, BA English Hons.
2. Anna Trissa, BA Programme
3. James Mathew, BSc Chemistry Hons.
Core Council
1. Alwins K. Wilson, BA History Hons.
2. Annriya Tom, BSc Chemistry Hons.
1. Jyoti Harsh, BA Programme
2. Alex Joseph Tony, BA Economics Hons.
Aarohan works for the upliftment of the non-teaching staff community of our college.
A relatively new vertical of the SSL, we cater to the genuine requirements of our Non-Teaching Staff. We help them individually, whenever they face any kind of issues – for instance, helping with their kids’ admission, bank-related work, documentation, etc.
Our initiatives include classes to help them improve communicative English, our annual medical camp which helps the staff get free consultation and treatment by medical experts. Rudra Dinner and New Year Party are the trademark events when the staff get a day off from work and enjoy with each other.
Donation camps & Parivartan:
Donation camps and parivartan have been working together for the last two years after most of our initiatives inclined towards the same goal.
Donation camps primarily work on immediate relief aid to disaster-affected areas. We also work on various fundraising programs depending on the requests we get.
The vertical Parivarthan is the ideation hub of The Social service league. This means that we take up new initiatives depending on the situation and the requests we receive. We are focused on constructive and creative ways to help society all year round.
Our activities mainly include Skip a meal, clothes donation, book donation, and sensitization workshops.
We have initiated the Skip a meal program 4 to 5 times this academic year and have been able to provide food to a community near Kashmere Gate to reduce the hunger problem in our surroundings. We were also successful in collecting and donating over 70 books for children from underprivileged sections.
Evening classes:
“Evening Classes” is one of the verticals of the Social Service League of St. Stephen’s College.
Our main aim is to help the underprivileged children of the non-teaching staff of our college in academics as well as in extracurriculars. We hold regular classes for them and try to inculcate moral values in their lives. We teach them maths, English, and Sciences and also enable them to articulate their thoughts through various extracurricular sessions like arts and sports.
Public relations & Outreach and Finance:
The Public Relations vertical is in charge of collaborations and outreach to establish relationships with other social service organizations to learn from their work and support one another. During semester breaks, we provide a platform for student volunteers to work with NGOs on the field. We also publish Kalyan, SSL’s annual journal, and run Smriti, a collection of experiences shared by SSL volunteers.
The finance vertical monitors and plans SSL expenditure for the entire year. We are the silent powerhouse of SSL engaged in managing, reimbursing, and calculating funds. We ensure that society gets the most out of the money it spends.
Vidyajyoti, as the name suggests, is an initiative of SSL through which we impart education to children from less privileged backgrounds. The project began in 2014 and sowed its seeds in the small community of GTB Nagar. VJ strives to enable the holistic development of children, by ensuring an uncompromised academic experience, reinforcing their co-curricular interests, and engaging with the community.
Vidyajyoti is involved in teaching and assisting students in various subjects and other extracurricular activities. Through this, we intend to eradicate the gap in the quality of education and help each student succeed and realize their full potential.
Sign Language Workshop ’22:
On 26th September 2022, the Parivartan and Donation Camps vertical of SSL organized a Sign Language Workshop in collaboration with the National association of the Deaf and The Enabling Unit. The speaker for the event was Mrs. Ritu Panda, a deaf expert from the NAD accompanied by her interpreter Ms. Sarah.
The event saw more than 100 registrations with students from other colleges as well. The attendees got to know about the various initiatives launched by the Government of India and other organizations for development and fostering of deaf and hard of hearing communities. Later in the discussion, the speaker talked about the significance of September as the Deaf Awareness Month and 26th September being celebrated as the World Day of the Deaf.
However, the major part of the event was the crash course in Sign Language that the speaker taught because of which by the end of the event everyone was able to sign basic words and knew the whole alphabet in sign language. In conclusion, the engaging and interactive nature of the event made it a success among its attendees who seem to have enjoyed the workshop and were glad to have been a part of the experience.
Recent and upcoming events
1. New year party
2. Rudra Dinner
3. Vidyajyoti Annual Day
4. Mental Health session
5. Cancer Awareness Workshop
6. Blood donation camp
7. Medical Camp for non teaching staff