In the light of the recent misrepresentations in the newspapers and social media about the nature of the Morning Assembly at St. Stephen’s College, this is to inform all concerned that the Morning Assembly has nothing to do with religious instruction. Every College has its unique set of practices and traditions, and St Stephen’s College is no different. The Morning Assembly is an institution envisioned by the founding fathers of the College and it aims at the holistic formation of students as extraordinary human beings who are committed not only to academic excellence but also to service. Small portions from several religious, philosophical and/or literary texts are read out for reflection and meditation. The objective is to enable the junior and senior members to be spiritually sensitive to their own lives and to the world at large. Any former student will vouch for the fact that the Morning Assembly in College is NOT a religious exercise. It is more an occasion when the junior members of the College are encouraged to listen to men and women of character, learn from experienced people who share their wisdom and knowledge for the betterment of the young people in College. The Morning Assembly is also an occasion for junior members to showcase their achievements, present their thoughts and ideas in front of their peers and improve their presentation skills. The College encourages all Junior Members to participate in the morning assembly, as mentioned in the College prospectus. First year Junior Members are particularly expected to be there for the morning assembly to understand the history, traditions and practices which make College the outstanding Institution that it is.
It is also reiterated here that this College website is the ONLY source for authorized information pertaining to the College.