Congratulations to all incoming Junior Members and welcome to St Stephen’s College.
The College will commence its academic work on Wednesday 16th August 2023. Please make a note of the following important points.
Newly admitted first-year, resident Junior Members must report to the Dean, Residence from the afternoon of Monday 14th August onwards. You would have received an email confirming your acceptance into the College Residence. Please check and confirm your place in the Residence. Late comers may lose their place if they do not report on time. First-year, resident Junior Members and their parents are invited to a Tea at College House, the Principal’s residence, on Tuesday 15th August at 5 pm.
All Christian Junior Members and their parents are invited to attend the Commencement Service to be held in the College Hall at 8 am on Wednesday 16th August. The Chairman of the College and Bishop of Delhi, the Rt Revd Dr Paul Swarup will conduct the Holy Communion Service and will deliver the commencement address. Following the Holy Communion Service there will be breakfast on the Mess Lawns.
The academic activities for the year will begin with an Orientation programme at 10 am in the College Hall on the 16th of August. All freshly-admitted Junior Members must attend this session. Parents do not need to be present at this orientation. Following the Orientation there will be a Departmental meeting for the newly-joined Junior Members. All freshers are invited for the Freshmen’s Lunch in the Dining Hall from 12.30 pm onwards. Please ensure that you have collected your lunch coupons during the departmental orientation.
Welcome to St Stephen’s College.
Prof John Varghese
12 August 2023


The self-motivated and ceaseless activities of over two dozen clubs and societies constitute a very important part of College life and offer a large variety of avenues for self expression. For each subject there is a Society that sponsors extra-curricular lectures and discussion and, in general, tries to stimulate interest in the subject. There are many other academic and cultural society and clubs covering wide range of activities, such as debating, dramatics, mountaineering, film and music appreciation, social service, photography and electronics.
This section is getting a makeover. We request you to visit tomorrow. Old links will be changed.
Please complete all application procedures for Undergraduate Courses
on/before 17TH JUNE, 2016
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The self-motivated and ceaseless activities of over two dozen clubs and societies constitute a very important part of College life and offer a large variety of avenues for self expression. For each subject there is a Society that sponsors extra-curricular lectures and discussion and, in general, tries to stimulate interest in the subject. There are many other academic and cultural society and clubs covering wide range of activities, such as debating, dramatics, mountaineering, film and music appreciation, social service, photography and electronics.
This section is getting a makeover. We request you to visit tomorrow. Old links will be changed.
Please complete all application procedures for Undergraduate Courses
on/before 17TH JUNE, 2016
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All technical related queries can be sent to